Friday, May 18, 2012

Now that we have a blog I think that I'm supposed to write about little everyday things we do in our lives. This might be tricky because I never take pictures so here goes my first attempt to write about random stuff. I know that it's not the best, but maybe I will get better. :)
So yesterday Scott and I took a trip to Grand Junction Colorado to take care of some things, and run errands. Basically everyone in Moab goes over there if they want to get any sort of real shopping done for a reasonable price. It's hard to see, but the sign in the picture says welcome to colorful Colorado.
The drive over is only 1hour and 45min, but Scott thought it took longer, which is strange because he was asleep for most of the drive. lol
When we got there we went to the social security office and applied for my new card with my new last name. We also applied for Scott to get one too because he lost it some 6 years ago in the ocean.
We went to Target to use some of the gift cards we got for our wedding. We ended up getting a nice set of knives and some glass tupperwere. I'm pretty excited to use them!  I think Scott would of liked to get the head phones we are playing with in this picture, but in the end i think the kitchen stuff will come in handy :)
We had a fun time getting stuff done. We also went to Wal-Mart to get an eye exam for Scott. Good news his eyes showed no signs of diabetes :) We are getting him new glasses. He had a hard time seeing after the appointment because they dialated his pupils with medicine, you can't really see in this picture but I put it up anyways.
It was a good sucessful short trip and we got a lot done.


  1. This blog post was perfect! It will be so nice to be able to see what you guys are up to! Ya for glass tupperware!

  2. Wonderful!!! You are acting like a pro with this random stuff. xoxo

  3. I couldn't quit smiling when I went to get my new social security card. We had been married a whole two weeks, and everyone looked at me like I was really creepy. They usually do, so I thought nothing of it until I realized everyone else in there was completely miserable. Was your social security office as miserable at the one in Phoenix?

    Random photos and pictures are wonderful. Keep it up!

  4. Love it! :) geeze Scott- do you always make your wife drive you around? Lol I only have seen her drive since you it married :) live you both!
